Our Salish Country Cookbook
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Lets us help your community, agency, organization, or government achieve your goals of health, a vibrant economy, self determination, self governance and conflict resolution.
For more than 38 years, CWIS has led the political and strategic dialogue with innovative applications of indigenous knowledge systems and methods.
CWIS solves real world problems by proposing solutions to international and community-based problems.
Our global team of indigenous scholars and experts from many cultures include researchers, analysts, trainers and healers who respond to requests from tribal governments, international non-governmental organizations and state and local non-profit and for-profit agencies to address current geopolitical and traditional medicine topics.
We provide you with specialized research and evaluation services including reports, white papers, live presentations and facilitation in the field supporting change.
We facilitate strategic planning and meeting of boards and councils to establish action agendas; and conduct comprehensive or group-specific organizational development and staff professional development and training.
We conduct conflict resolution and diplomatic negotiations between governments and facilitate highly sensitive communications.
We organize and lead delegations to national and international meetings, providing preparatory talking points and speeches and facilitate introductions for collaborative endeavors to meet strategic goals.
Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
Africa First, LLC
Assembly of First Nations (Canada)
Biafra Government-in-exile (Nigeria)
Central University of Rajasthan, India
City University – Dublin (Ireland)
Colville Confederated Tribes
Confederated Tribes of Umatilla
Evergreen State College
First Nations Development Institute
International Indian Treaty Council (CA)
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Lummi Indian Nation
Makah Nation
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe
Nairobi Work Program (Kenya)
National Congress of American Indians
National Network of Grant makers
Navajo Nation
Nisqually Indian Tribe
Nuxalk Nation
Oregon Museum of Science and Industries (OMSI)
Puyallup Indian Tribe
Q’anjo’bal Maya (Guatemala)
Quileute Indian Tribe
Quinault Indian Nation
Siletz Nation
Snoqualmie Indian Tribe
Squaxin Island Tribe
Thurston County Area Agencies on Ageing
Tulalip Indian Tribes
United South and Eastern Tribes (NC)
Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
United Nations Urgent Action Fund (NY),
Unrecognized Nations and Peoples Organization (Hague, Netherlands)
University of Gambia (The Gambia)
San Francisco Xochicuautla (Mexico)
Yakama Indian Nation
Yakama Indian Nation Environmental Restoration Project
Yezidi Nation (Iraq)