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The Fourth World Journal (FWJ) is the world’s leading publication for ideas and analysis about and by writers from the world’s more than six thousand Fourth World nations.
Founded 1984 Published by the Center for World Indigenous Studies DayKeeper Press periodically as a digital publication. Originating at the Center for World Indigenous Studies, Olympia Washington USA © 1984 – 2024 CWIS Fourth World Journal.
Material appearing in the Fourth World Journal is accepted on the basis that the material is the original work of the author or authors. Authors agree to indemnify the Center for World Indigenous Studies, DayKeeper Press and the Fourth World Journal for all damages, fines and costs associated with a finding of copyright infringement by the author or by the Fourth World Journal in disseminating the author ‘s material. In almost all cases material appearing in the Fourth World Journal will attract copyright protection under the laws of the United States of America and the laws of countries, which are Member States of the Berne Convention, Universal Copyright Convention or have bi-lateral copyright agreements with the United States of America. Ownership of such copyright will vest by operation of law in the authors and/or the Center for World Indigenous Studies, Fourth World Journal. The Fourth World Journal and its authors grant a license to those accessing the Fourth World Journal to render copyright materials on their computer screens and to print out a single copy for their personal non-commercial use subject to proper attribution of the Fourth World Journal, the Center for World Indigenous Studies and/or the authors.
Taiaiake Alfred (Mohawk, Canada)
Nitu Singh (India)
Melina Corona (Mexico)
Levita Duhaylungsod Ph.D
Christian Nellemann Ph.D
Anke Weisheit M.sc, B.Sc, Eng.
Leslie E. Korn Ph.D., MPH
Dina Gilio-Whitaker MA (Colville Confederated Tribes)
Janaka Jayawickrama Ph.D.
Submissions may be articles, reports, essays, book reviews, or commentaries. Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in an archival journal or book (print or electronic). Publication in a workingpaper series does not constitute prior publication. By submitting material to the Fourth World Journal, the author stipulates that the material is not currently under review for another journal (electronic or print) and that they will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of the editorial decision process at the Fourth World Journal.
Submissions undergo a doubleblinded peer review process, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. The results of the review will be returned to the author with one of four responses: Enthusiastic, publish as is; Publish with minor revisions; Publish with major revisions; or Do not publish.
Submission of a manuscript does not guarantee publication. The author understands that the Center for World Indigenous Studies, Fourth World Journal will consider manuscripts for general publication or peer reviewed (refereed) manuscripts, and the editorial board may agree to publish contingent upon editorial adjustments. If the manuscript has been approved for publication it may appear in the next succeeding edition of Fourth World Journal or a later journal edition. Publication will occur within 18 months of approval for publication. Subsequent use of Fourth World Journal published manuscripts in other publications must carry the following citation:
Fourth World Journal, Center for World Indigenous Studies, Vol ( ), Number ( ) Date URL (if digitally retrieved).
For additional information, please contact Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, at: lekorn@cwis.org
Fourth World Journal, CWIS
PMB 214
1001 Cooper Point Rd SW #140
Olympia WA 98502-1107
Tel: 1(360)5294896
Email: information1@cwis.org