****************** A SIMPLE REQUEST ****************** Many of our files are unique and/or copyrighted by The Center For World Indigenous Studies and The Fourth World Documentation Project. All FWDP files may be reproduced for electronic transfer or posting on computer networks and bulletin boards provided that: 1. All text remains unaltered. 2. No profit is made from such transfer. 3. Full credit is given to the author(s) and the Fourth World Documentation Project. 4. This file is included in the archive if being used as a file on a BBS, FTP site or other file archive. Thank you for your cooperation. John Burrows Director, Fourth World Documentation Project ()-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=() ||/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|| ||=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|| || || || The Fourth World Documentation Project runs entirely on grants || || and private donations. If you find this information service || || useful to you in any way, please consider making a donation to || || help keep it running. CWIS is a non-profit [U.S. 501(c)(3)] || || organization. All donations are completely tax deductible. || || Donations may be made to: || || || || The Center For World Indigenous Studies || || c/o The Fourth World Documentation Project || || P.O. Box 2574 || || Olympia, Washington USA || || 98507-2574 || || Thank You, || || CWIS Staff || || || ||=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|| ||\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|| ()=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-() ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This file has been created under the loving care of :: :: -= THE FOURTH WORLD DOCUMENTATION PROJECT =- :: :: :: :: Questions and comments on FWDP can be addressed to: :: :: :: :: John Burrows jburrows@halcyon.com :: :: P.O. Box 2574 :: :: Olympia, Wa Fido Net 1:352/333 :: :: 98507-2574 206-786-9629 :: :: USA The Quarto Mundista BBS :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 9 7 7 C O N F E R E N C E O F T R I B A L G O V E R N M E N T S Doubletree Inn, Tukwila February 12-15, 1977 POLICY RESOLUTION TRIBAL GOVERNMENT PREAMBLE: Tribal self-government is the most basic of all inherent Indian rights. Tribal self-government is an inherent and aboriginal -right derived from the sovereign status of Indian Tribes and Nations. The right of self- government extends to all areas under the jurisdiction of Tribes, and to all persons within those areas, including those lands within the exterior boundaries of a reservation, those lands and tidelands outside the boundaries of a reservation which are held in trust by or for a Tribe, the ceded portions of original tribal lands wherein Indians have special rights, such as hunting and fishing, and all such lands and resources which may at any future time come under the jurisdiction of Indian Tribes or Nations. Tribal self-government includes the power of a Tribe to establish its own form of government, to determine tribal membership, to maintain Superior Land Records of all land over which the Tribe has jurisdiction, to determine tribal membership, to prescribe rules of inheritance, to levy taxes, to regulate property and resources within the jurisdiction of the Tribe, to control the conduct of persons within the jurisdiction of the Tribe, and to administer justice and preserve law and order in areas under tribal jurisdiction for all citizens and all activities beneficial to the people. WHEREAS, it has been the policy of the State of Washington to ignore the inherent right of tribal self-government and, accordingly, has failed to establish lines of communication with Indian Tribes or mechanisms to deal with them as Governments; and WHEREAS, it has also been the policy of the State of Washington to ignore the right of tribal governments to assume or reassume the jurisdiction of lands and resources which may at any future time come under the jurisdiction of Indian Tribes or Nations; and WHEREAS, the State of Washington has no authority, including Public Law 83-280, to tax Indian lands, resources or activities thereon. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Government of the State of Washington adopt the following policies in its dealings with Tribal Governments: 1. The State of Washington shall recognize the inherent rights of Tribal Governments. 2. The State government has no right or authority to interfere or limit the manner in which Indian tribes organize their governments. 3. The State of Washington shall not enact any law which assumes the federal trust responsibility to protect the right of Indian Tribes to continue to exist as sovereign, independent, self-governing bodies. 4. The State of Washington shall have no authority over the actions of any tribal governments. 5. Neither the State of Washington nor any of its political sub-divisions shall enact laws, regulations or ordinances which attempt to limit, impede or impair the powers of any Tribal Government. 6. The State of Washington shall not amend or delete Article 26, Section 2, which was a federal requirement contained in the Enabling Act for statehood. 7. The State of Washington and its Department of Revenue shall not impose any tax upon any citizen within the exterior boundaries of any reservation. The governmental power of taxation shall remain only with each respective Tribal Government. 8. Neither the State of Washington nor any of its political sub-divisions shall make any laws or ordinances which attempt to regulate the use of land or natural resources within the jurisdiction of any Tribal Government. 9. The State of Washington has never had nor shall it ever assume any jurisdiction or governmental power which belongs to a Tribal Government without the full and informed consent of that Indian Tribe. Introduced by: Calvin J. Peters, Chairman Committee on Tribal Government Adopted: February 15, 1977 Conference of Tribal Governments -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To have a current Center For World Indigenous Studies Publication Catalogue sent to you via e-mail, send a request to jburrows@halcyon.com FTP ftp.halcyon.com /pub/FWDP/CWIS Center For World Indigenous Studies P.O. Box 2574 Olympia, WA U.S.A. 98507-2574 BBS: 206-786-9629 OCR Provided by Caere Corporation's PageKeeper