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Box 2574 :: :: Olympia, Wa Fido Net 1:352/333 :: :: 98507-2574 206-786-9629 :: :: USA The Quarto Mundista BBS :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: L A K O T A A SOVEREIGN NATION RE-ESTABLISHED AT BEAR BUTTE JULY 14, 1991 December 2, 1992 All concerned Lakota Citizens, Re; Rejection Of Docket 74A - 74B - Resolution The responsibility for initiating the resolution for rejection of the above referred to dockets has been conferred to the traditional (LAKOTA NATIONAL PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT) by Chairman Charles Murphy, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. This measure concerns the Arapaho and Cheyenne as well as the entire Lakota Nation and they will be contacted for their input as well. This is a rough draft of the resolution for rejection submitted for your review and approval. All concerned are invited to include personal and legal additions to this resolution. The problems and specific legal matters referred to and addressed in this resolution are of vital concern and importance to everyone and need to be addressed and discussed in a collective forum to determine a unified position and approach for best results. Upon the initiation and conclusion of this there will be other alternatives presented and produced to pursue our legal standing at the international level concerning restitution and repatriation. We have private international legal representation available as well as the representation of the advisors and assistance offered and provided by the U.N.P.O. concerning helping unrepresented and undeveloped nations in gaining representation and recognition, redevelopment of government and regaining complete sovereignty and control over their territory and governmental affairs. It is imperative to establish ourselves as a national unified political entity to receive recognition in any of these forums to produce positive productive results, therefore it is necessary to form a collective task force or some other effective body inclusive of all concerned to research and compile the necessary data needed to substantiate and address our concerns. When we have established ourselves as an effective collective political entity we can begin to work in coalition with other indigenous nations that we have formed agreements with toward our collective common goals. These include the League of Indigenous Sovereign Nations (Mohawks), Inuit, Philippine Indigenous Governments Government of Ka Lahui Hawaii, Indigenous Nations of Canada, and 21 Latin Nations of South America as well as approx. 60 unrepresented nations of the U.N.P.O. It is obvious and well known that we are not the only nation striving for our rights and sovereignty, however we are quite possibly the only nation that is not unified in collectively making a concerted effort to regain what is rightfully ours, our land and sovereignty (Independent nation status). ____________________________ ____________________________ Bernard Peoples Richard Grass / Treaty Chief Coordinator / S.O.C. Lakota Provisional Government ____________________________ ____________________________ Joseph A. Walker Reginald Bird Horse Lakota Provisional Government Lakota Provisional Government Vice Exec. Officer Chief Executive Officer L A K O T A CONFEDERACY OF THE BLACK HILLS A SOVEREIGN NATION RE-ESTABLISHED AT BEAR BUTTE JULY 14, 1991 Subject; Resolution Rejection Re; Dockets 74A - 74B Governments all around the earth change overnight. When governments are not providing for the best interests of the people, people don't want it and take the appropriate action to replace it with a more effective form. Democracy has endured a few years beyond it's limits as proposed by scholars but the time has been watched carefully and closely, as Russia has dissolved itself - this government is no different....... This government has historically proved itself incompetent and ineffective particularly in regard to the indigenous people of the entire western hemisphere and "Sioux" LAKOTA NATION above all others except those that have been - exterminated. The way the U.S. system of government is set up it is mainly a failure and is a wonder and a miracle that it has lasted this long and only exists on stolen money land and loans. Now the time has come to point to and put emphasis on the structure of government hypothetically called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Of course the LAKOTA consider it a foreign government, imposed in direct opposition to our traditional values, morals and ethics distinct to our culture and society. It is a white tax-payers government based on a mixed variety of values etc. on a continuing experimental basis having never arrived at any stable condition. We have been denied it and discriminated by it long enough from the Declaration Of Independence through the whole system of charters - monetary lending institutions and especially the judicial system (a set of arbitrary laws and doctrines based on their values and corrupt morals and ethics they founded their so called country on). Our people have been sent to prison, without due process and consideration of their own cultures values or being economically equipped to compete on an equal basis in the imposed pervading society of the U.S.A., the result is a dual system of justice with no representation whatsoever.... We have been put on reservations against our own will and without our consent just as our children are being taken away illegally with bad intentions. It all adds up to a "BREECH OF CONTRACT", which is our treaties and implementation of genocide and denial of human rights and freedom on us and making unilateral arbitrary international border lines, state lines, county etc. within our own designated international border of our country and nation of LAKOTA NATION property without the consent of the LAKOTA NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. These are gross violations of propriety as people, treaty, constitution, and international law. Worst of all we have been denied the very use of our own lands, mainly the Sacred Black Hills which is all total a multi-trillion dollar land base annually that is ours from time immemorial........ The system is designed by them and for them since it's inception and is established to work in favor of them, they sit on both sides of the negotiating table simultaneously on our behalf for their best interests - understand that and they have complete and absolute power and authority new and FOREVER unless we do something about it and concession, compliance and complacency with their recommendations of the Congress and Senate regardless of newly elected indian representatives, we are still a controlled and overpowered minority on the floors of government. It is a religious government system protected by and protecting Papal doctrines that don't allow for recourse of grievances to be addressed or reclamation of anything as they have. We are in SERVITUDE no different than BONDAGE and subjection to any person or economic system. We have been subjected to embargoes and sanctions on us as Lakotas so we can never get out of the tax-payers welfare and institutional systems to make it look like we are indebted to them yet they do not realize that they are indebted to us and we have been here since time immemorial - and independent till they came and subjected us as a Nation of People with a country and put us on reservations and now state welfare rolls as if they can now disregard their treaty obligations and are doing us a favor when actually all we signed an agreement to was a peace policy for them to stay away from our territory and they have defaulted by gross fraudulent means on all our treaties. Our treaty states that they had to feed us clothe us give us shelter, medical care, education and police protection and farm implements or whatever to make our livelihoods to replace the systematic extermination of our Buffalo and genocide policy (extermination) yet they have not lived up to their treaties with us. They have plundered our land, ignored our government, to steal is by definition to seize wrongfully by fraud or force, treaties made by fraud or coercion are invalid under international law, they have STOLEN OUR LAND. They have promised protection of our territory by treaty then in 1874 in complete disregard for the law they invaded when gold was discovered in our Black Hills and allowed by presidential order settlement and mining to ensue employing what is defined as population transfer under the U.S. Constitution secured by the use of military force of arms moving the people to the reservation areas. This under the retroactive validity of the folly of all follies, "THE 1871 APPROPRIATIONS ACT" which as a method of deception blanked all other indian tribes (NATIONS-COUNTRIES) to effect a gross coverup just to get our gold to repay the U.S. national debt of 2 billion dollars at the time. This unilateral action and violation also gave themselves unilateral decision making power - again - without the consent of the Indigenous countries and nations they made treaties with. We have to remember we are not only Nations of Indigenous people but also Nations with a Country (land base) which these Pirates and throwbacks and dissidents who formed their hypothetical government of the U.S. made these agreements with on paper only and unilaterally altered and interpreted them to bend them any way they see fit to suit their best interests. These are traits of totalitarian government and a communistic mode of behavior and policy. From the beginning the pirates employed their barbaric methods of slavery and inhuman acts of punishment and unilateral decision making power by threat and use of force of arms and violence to occupy land. They even stole the U.S. Constitution concept from the Iroquois Confederacy twisted it and incorporated it with their piracy acts and doctrines and bible that they stole as well and misinterpreted as well as managed to break every commandment before they were halfway across the ocean. If they have no respect for themselves how can we expect them to have respect for us. They have no religion yet we made treaties with them and the bible they stole and brought with them with our Sacred Peace Pipe present yet this so called Emigrant United States Colonial Government went and implemented the separation of powers which is called the separation of church and state. Church is religion and state is the nation, the constitution, the structure and fundamental laws of the nation which is the United States Government which we will not tolerate such a bad precedence as the intent of thievery will always be there. Pirates, this only tells us that while they are reading the bible with one hand they are stealing with the other hand. Stealing our land, gold and other precious minerals, water, not to mention overdevelopment and pollution and exploitation in the process then assuming they have the right under their inferior ineffective jurisdictional system to steal our children under the name of some policy that doesn't work in the first place is ludicrous........ All this and more under the U.S. Constitution which we are not part of now and never have been from the beginning as they didn't want us to have representation in their system so they put us in the constitution as "WARDS" stating that we will not pay taxes therefore are not participants or equal in political status. Framers of the Constitution knew they were about to steal us blind and will not stop until they have succeeded unless we wake up as a whole. As you can see they have enriched themselves with their Constitution on our property and resources. by imposing assimilation and education under duress and coercion illegally applied. Forcibly transferring children (indian) to anothers group as through governmental entities such as state or county social services policy, it all adds up to conspiracy of an international kid-napping. Forced removal of our indian children to Boarding Schools (A hostile foreign unsympathetic) environment of which some never returned having died of disease, loneliness, and starvation, abuse, exposure from trying to escape etc. this is an international crime called genocide. The food was foreign and inadequate and some were outright murdered. We know this, we have been watching this foreign colonial emigration education system and how it has been operating. We have been discriminated by it too long. So some of the little ones are still buried there it could have been any one of us. Indians got through slapping the U.S. Calvary around then the Spanish-Amer. War and World War I broke out and our chiefs said go help these people fight and even though we made a peace treaty we are not to take up arms against anyone they said go help them fight because if they lose this war or future wars we will have to fight the people they lost the war to, so our people knew they didn't have no business in these wars against the countries the U.S. declares war on or fights in coalition with other countries. At those times and even to this date we are not citizens of these Emigrant foreign Colonial United States. yet we join the military service to help preserve peace and provide domestic protection, mainly to keep our treaty secure. Because this is our land and country not our government. Still even in the military service we are discriminated against through all these wars and even during peacetime our Lakota people get physically hurt while in the service mainly on account of discrimination. We know in all these wars some of our Lakota people have been shot in the back (others too), by the racist people we were supposed to be fighting along side with. We know that as a result of the second world war the United States by accident became the most powerful nation in the world. Remember this foreign government called the United States did not win these was all by themselves, it took all these Indigenous Sovereign Nations of the western hemisphere to do this as we had code talkers from different languages which from their input created critical pivotal turning points with which changed the outcome in the favor of the U.S. As Indians we have spilled a lot of blood not only for our territory but for the freedom for all, religion, and this U.S. Constitution which up to this day He are not part of as Indians. and we are not citizens of this foreign government called the U.S. of A. We might have been equals in the fox-holes fighting for our lives but upon discharge then we are discriminated against as civilians in their so called veterans benefits - vet's medical care - loans - resulting in being denied equal participation in their social and economic system of free enterprise. This democracy and their supporters are very queer over their foreign european voting system as they elect a president of the U.S. to office which gives him power to come to our territory and steal everything we as indians have including land, water all our resources and even our children, all with their constitution. The president then appoints 9 justices to the supreme court, the unilateral decision making body and official interpreter of the constitution this then makes the congressmen and senators all accessories to the conspiracy. Further to help steal more they elect a governor to each state which gives him power to steal - exempt from federal prosecution -then he appoints all the judges. So even if we had 10,000 lawyers we would still be discriminated against as it is a dual system of justice - "justice" is a "laugh". Laws of the Justice System of any country as a matter of course are historically based on traditions, customs, morals, values of the culture of the people. We don't have either a fair and equal or a system of justice of our own, but rather an inferior foreign system of opposite standards. All in all we have reviewed this foreign government called the United States of America and we have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a United States Government no more. True they still elect someone to office as president and down the echelon to mayors of these towns and cities but if you can buy all these people from the president on down with bribes or other corruption methods as these people and big corporations with big money are doing - then there is no government. So, where is our protection as promised by the agreements of all these so called treaties with all these indian nations for our territories which of course includes all our land, water, minerals, air, and control over these and our people's government. All these treaties belong with the law of nations as we are nations of people (indians) distinct as any other race with a country of defined boundaries (international border lines) which refers to international law. Two things put us in the category of jurisdiction under international law - these are automatically established when it includes human rights and genocide not to mention proper legal position - international agreements (treaty)......... This begins with the use of force and extermination policies, termination policies, medical experiments and use of biological warfare, pollution of all natural resources, population removal by adoption policies (kidnapping), forced removal from original territory onto reservations. Also experiments through the food chain like canned food rations, initially beginning with contaminated blankets and clothes, shoes, hats, and it is still going on, there are too many to mention. The framers of this constitution said that "this or no government is perfect but it will be forced on the indians as they have no government". No government is perfect when it is conceived on thievery, lying, cheating, it will eventually fall apart like it's predecessors, rome and greece. Greed corruption and ineffectiveness of the theoretical assumed, hypothetical government that they have imposed on us has worn out its welcome on our territory a government that we never welcomed or consented to or fully understood to begin with. We as Lakotas will not - plea bargain - or recognize any third or fourth party transaction like Spain or France or these so called attorneys at law (Liars), they initially were established to help people lie to get themselves out of trouble - so this tells us that the so called U.S. Gov't. system is all made up of thieves and liars. From the beginning to now -as Lakotas we have our inalienable rights to our traditional leadership, our government, our people, our territory, our sovereignty, our jurisdiction, our language, our culture, and traditions and values, all intact since time immemorial and cannot be transferred or destroyed. We are a Lakota Nation officially declared and recognized on July 14, 1991 retro-active to 1868-1851 and the territories defined and described therein where we will be demanding our repatriation and restitution for beginning from the original boundaries of our 1868 treaty restoring it to its proper position as an international border line defining our country and we will call for eventual and gradual annexation of our extended total land which starts from Louisiana and upwards into parts of Canada where people of our Lakota Nation were driven into exile and are non-treaty signers since some have resided there since time immemorial. We as a Lakota Nation have reviewed very closely killing of unarmed children - adults like shooting fish in a barrel -"The Wounded Knee Massacre". We are all related one way or another and should be compensated as a Nation. This will be addressed with other nations, another default in the peace policy treaty. Our Chiefs said "no military installations within the treaty boundary" yet without the consent of the Sioux Nation this emigrant foreign colonial government came in and imposed without the consent of or input from the Sioux Nation put military bases and worst of all these undesirable ballistic missiles capable of mass destruction and local radiation contamination, on our territory. Whereas we have a very large land base we have counted all these on our territory. If we wish to talk about atomic power, we the Lakota in theory could be the 3rd largest atomic force in the world. All these atomic weapons are not only a threat to us but to them and the world community. The local contamination to our mother earth and us who inhabit this area needs to be addressed with other nations. This is another gross violation of a peace treaty as our Lakota territory is not private, public or federal land to be arbitrarily unilaterally installing military bases of this magnitude and importance to the health and well being of the people. If this foreign emigrant United States Gov't. were to compute the fair monetary value of land, resources, and human life and to compensate us then for past damages it has done to our people even though we signed a peace policy treaty and they still implemented genocide by secretly using psychological warfare as well as bio-chemical irreparably polluting and contaminating the earth and if they add to it all our gold - silver etc. that backs this monetary system that they have stolen since 1874 from our territory till now, if they honestly paid us for this in currency then we would have enough money to buy this entire so called 48 United States 10 times over. Therefore be it resolved that in conjunction with the "Statement of Renewal" filed with the Unrepresented Nations And Peoples Organization and the "Position of Sovereignty and Jurisdiction" statement filed with Oglala Tribal Court in Pine Ridge, South Dakota we officially as the Traditional National Government reject the Award associated with Dockets 74A - 74B, and further that we demand that the original terms, conditions, of the 1851 - 1868 treaty with the U.S.A. between the Sioux Nation of Indians be litigated and negotiated in it's rightful arena "The International Court of Justice" with the assistance of the U.N.P.O. with the Lakota Nation being Representative Members. It is true that many of our people do well in this dominant society. We understand how it operates and can function within it as well as anyone. Many of us do not have the opportunities to merge into it as some others do so they try to use that as an example that we are not competent. We have all the competent educated, experienced and traditional people we need to effectively run our own affairs. The United States Government has proven itself to be ineffective and incompetent in management of its people and has never provided sufficiently for our people, is that what we want? Tribal government though a necessary institution is only an extension of the same government that is suppressing the people now. The only logical conclusion that can be drawn once all the facts have been analyzed is that we have to control and manage our own affairs as we see fit for and in the best interests of the people of our nation as well as the foreign nationals within the boundaries. We as Lakota and Indians in general have been discriminated against even through their Social Security System as some of our elders went off of these reservations and worked for farmers and ranchers and odd jobs for their livelihood - yet their social security numbers have been ignored for future recorded earnings so they have nothing to show for old age pension requirements so instead they throw or impose supplemental social security or disability on them. This can only tell us that the social security cards that we carry are not what they are supposed to be to white society, another blunder, as we have been watching and identified this as a dual system employment standard reflected in social security. Surely it can be seen that the 85 to 90 % unemployment on all the reservations is evidence that the whole system does not include and was not meant for us...... As this foreign government probably already knows. 90 % of the time a nation that fights for their property has a right to their property and we as a Lakota Nation have never been conquered by any nation even this foreign experimental, theoretical, assumptional government called the United States that is recognized through natural law and the law of nations. This territory is inherently ours since time immemorial with or without a treaty. as these foreigners didn't even have a shirt on their back when they landed on our soil and started making treaties with Nations of Indians who had a God given land base to call their own, and we as Lakota still have our land base, a very wide territory that's ours since time immemorial. An infringement has occurred, that is a violation of international law and can constitute abrogation of a treaty by the side being infringed upon. The sooner we recognize that we have legal rights for redress of grievances of an international nature the sooner we can collectively begin to assert ourselves in addressing them. As soon as the unemployment level of the United States or any other country reaches 7-11 % the people become outraged and begin to protest and demand change in policy and government, they rise up in civil disorder. they riot, loot, kill, and initiate the early stages of anarchy. If the conditions that exist as they have since the takeover of the U.S. Gov't. in the treaty border would be located in any major city in the United States there would have been complete anarchy and breakdown of government structure and civil disorder many years ago. We still remain complacent with the 85 % alcoholism and the social conditions it produces and the 90 % unemployment and it's repercussions and the conditions that the tribal government is forced to operate on. It is time that we provide our own solutions to the problems created by the unsympathetic unresponsive government. 400,000,000 $ will not even cover debts the U.S. claims is owed by tribal government and we cannot give up our rightful land base under any circumstances in consideration of the welfare of our future generations and the instability of the United States credibility / economic standing domestically and with other countries. We must protect our national interests. As the living conditions on these reservations are equal to the third world countries, especially the housing when you have 15-20 people living or sharing a roof then there's 90 % unemployment and this so called federal and state and county welfare systems calling for child support for these tax-exempt Indian fathers then you wonder where the treaty obligations of this so called United States Governments at, that's where population removal begins and throwing our Indian men in jail for no reason at all. The entire system is a self perpetuating vicious cycle from which there is no escape and a wall at every turn to catch people up in their net. If we started to collect monthly rent on all these people that the so called United States foreign government put on our territory and taxed them for taking away our livelihood by creating jobs on our soil for themselves and excluding our people as everyone knows this 1876 Homestead Act. was just another "folly" to illegally bring it's population on our soil, then it's doubtful that they could afford to stay on our territory, so they can automatically become a citizen of Lakota as we have discussed this with many people already. As with the controlling or regulating this man made money, the U.S. Gov't. can deflate or inflate at will so as to bring corruption to whatever it needs to promote. If it wanted to it could have promoted better living conditions on these reservations for our people but even there we have been discriminated against with their monetary system. As this so called foreign government knows we don't need a vast army to start controlling our territory of our boundary lines within our territory, and no army in the world is going to stop us from becoming independent again. Like we stated, there is no more U.S. Government when you can bribe these so called elected officials. We know there are senators and congressmen in there that can't even read or write, yet they are in there because they are "RACIST" and they discriminate against anyone with a different color skin, same way with these Supreme Court Judges and on down the line. We will be calling for our displaced children to be returned back to Lakota territory and we will also be calling for our Lakota man and woman prisoners across this so called United States to be returned back to our Lakota territory as these arms of the foreign so called U.S. Gov't. have no business on our territory like the F.B.I., C.I.A., U.S. Marshals, County Sheriffs, and on down the line, as we will be forming our own judicial systems and treatment facilities and programs more appropriate to the interests of the people and their needs . Finally this treaty with this foreign U.S. Government was as stated before a "PEACE POLICY TREATY" NOT a treaty of CESSION and it is not for sale -not for man made money as it has been ours since time immemorial inherently "GOD GIVEN". We will by all means necessary revert back to the ideal form of government that was in effect and independent before the imposed foreign government was implemented fraudulently upon us. We will have an effective responsive form of - totally independent government based on our own traditions, values and moral - standards that made us a great nation once again. As some of us couldn't cope with oppression, little work, little food and nowhere to sleep on these reservations, even as veterans so we came looking for a little better relief off these reservations to towns and urban areas of cities and there we wind up living like refugees in our own territory. it is a shame. Democracy is a SHAME if you are an INDIAN. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, where is it at????????? Forced into a foreign society and subjected to economic deprivation our people were systematically stereotyped from the beginning by the justice system. So we must address Police Brutality for as Indians we have been hung, shot. beat up, and our women raped, drugs tested on us without our consent. Our kids have been sent to these juvenile detention camps, foreign institutions. where they have been treated the same way, no recourse, as the system is set up for those who can afford a liar (lawyer) or should we say thieves they also sent the kids hundreds of miles away so the parents can't even visit, some are still under legal age, yet the system don't take that into consideration and they get sentenced the same as an adult and usually get imprisoned in an adult facility instead of a state boys training school so there is no chance for rehabilitation. So as you can see we have been discriminated against in all aspects of this so called judicial system. As you have seen, the outcome of the Rodney King trial in L.A., well that beating is nothing compared to what we as indians have been physically experiencing and we have suffered long enough with this Barbaric duel sentencing, dual system of justice. There is no justice for indians as there's no representation of any kind for the indians. The National Barr - Assoc. itself has denounced the American justice system as ineffective, outdated, inefficient and are calling for total reform. We have to also remember that the Government officials from the president on down are hiding behind the immunity from prosecution which they invented and use to thick advantage wherever it suits their own needs even if it is used against their own people. Reference; United States Department of Interior Office of the Secretary Washington D.C. October 13, 1989 Memorandum To: Aberdeen area Director Billings area Director From: Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs Subject: Results of Research Report of Judgment Funds to the Sioux Tribes of Indians in Docket 74 before the United States Claims Court. This results of research is submitted in compliance with the Indian Judgment Funds Act of October 19, 1973, 87 stat. 466 as amended and implemented by CFR 87. These treaties between the U.S. and Sioux Nation are laying in "dormancy" and are still in active status as they have never been resolved or relinquished as claimed for the monetary value attached to them. The 1868 treaty does not include an agreement that the U.S. Government has the authority or consent to implement legislation regarding the territory or people within the republic of the treaty boundaries. There were in fact no agreements of any kind arrived at between the U.S. by the Sioux Nation between 1868 and the implementation of the 1871 Appropriations Act. Also in regards to the Indian Judgement Funds Act, this is a breech of contract and the arbitrary, unilateral decision proclaiming the taking date for the so called cession of the 1868 treaty is a violation of an international agreement and subject to International Law. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To have a current Center For World Indigenous Studies Publication Catalogue sent to you via e-mail, send a request to jburrows@halcyon.com Center For World Indigenous Studies P.O. Box 2574 Olympia, WA U.S.A. 98507-2574 Fax: 206-956-1087 BBS: 206-786-9629 OCR Provided by Caere Corporation's PageKeeper