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If you find this information service || || useful to you in any way, please consider making a donation to || || help keep it running. CWIS is a non-profit [U.S. 501(c)(3)] || || organization. All donations are completely tax deductible. || || Donations may be made to: || || || || The Center For World Indigenous Studies || || c/o The Fourth World Documentation Project || || P.O. Box 2574 || || Olympia, Washington USA || || 98507-2574 || || Thank You, || || CWIS Staff || || || ||=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|| ||\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|| ()=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-() ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This file has been created under the loving care of :: :: -= THE FOURTH WORLD DOCUMENTATION PROJECT =- :: :: :: :: Questions and comments on FWDP can be addressed to: :: :: :: :: John Burrows jburrows@halcyon.com :: :: P.O. Box 2574 :: :: Olympia, Wa Fido Net 1:352/333 :: :: 98507-2574 206-786-9629 :: :: USA The Quarto Mundista BBS :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICAN INDIANS INDIAN EDUCATION CONCERNS COMMITTEE Policy Resolution No. 2 AMERICAN INDIAN POLICY REVIEW COMMISSION'S TASK FORCE #5 REPORT Adopted October 22, 1976 WHEREAS, the National Congress of American Indians, meeting at the 33rd Annual Convention in Salt Lake City having established an Education Concerns Committee charged with reviewing resolutions and concerns about improv- ing educational opportunities and standards for Indian people; and WHEREAS, Indian self-control and self-determination has been accepted as a basic and fundamental policy of the federal government under P.L. 93-638; and WHEREAS, the American Indian Policy Review Commission's (AIPRC) Task Force #5 Report on Indian Education (hereinafter referred to as "Report") failed to meet the following necessary procedures in gathering information important to the validity of the study: a. An adequate number of field hearings on tribal grounds. b. Adequate tribal consultation in preparing the research design, procedure and implementation. c. Appropriate notice of field hearings held. d. Sufficient communication with tribes, organizations, and Indian communities concerning the plan, progress and conclusion of the study. WHEREAS, AIPRC Task Force #5 displayed a record of: a. Chairperson disregarding the recommendations of the majority of Task Force members. b. Disagreement and lack of concurrence in findings and recommendations. c. Poor administrative management in Task Force meetings and field hearings. d. Lack of consistent policy and procedures which governed Task Force activities. WHEREAS, the Report embodied the following principles, concepts, and plans which may be detrimental to Indian education and tribes: a. Confusing and conflicting recommendations. b. Findings that appear to be contrary to testimony provided by the tribes. c. The recommendation for the Draft legislation attached to the report. d. The creation of another National Indian Education Commission of which the purpose and composition criteria is in serious question. e. The lack of a definition of American Indian nor indication of eligibility criteria for American Indian population served. f. The lack of a recommendation which clearly indicates control of educational services and programs by federally recognized tribes. g. The lack of a recommendation which clearly calls for Indian preference in employment regarding Indian education programs and services. h. Recommendations regarding funding sources and formulas are insufficiently delineated and not satisfactorily stated. i. There appears to be no guarantees that funding levels under the proposed Comprehensive Indian Education Program will be adequately appropriated, thereby jeopardizing current Indian educational field projects. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the NCAI rejects the AIPRC Task Force #5 Report and accompanying Comprehensive Indian Education Program Bill in their present form for reasons stated above; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NCAI strongly recommends to the AIPRC that the Report and Bill be withheld from the United States Congress in their present form; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NCAI recommends to the AIPRC that final action on the Report and Bill be withheld until January 10, 1977, by which time the American Indian tribes will have had sufficient time to review the Report and Bill and to offer their amendments to the AIPRC; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NCAI recommends that American Indian tribes submitting amendments to the AIPRC also direct a copy of same to NCAI for information and follow-up. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To have a current Center For World Indigenous Studies Publication Catalogue sent to you via e-mail, send a request to jburrows@halcyon.com Center For World Indigenous Studies P.O. Box 2574 Olympia, WA U.S.A. 98507-2574 Fax: 206-956-1087 BBS: 206-786-9629