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Box 2574 :: :: Olympia, Wa Fido Net 1:352/333 :: :: 98507-2574 206-786-9629 :: :: USA The Quarto Mundista BBS :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIRST ENCOUNTER OF INDIAN MOVEMENTS CUSCO-OLLANTAYTAMBO -- 1980 PREAMBLE ~~~~~~~~ We live in times of great expectations but also of profound concerns; - times filled of conflicts and of contradictions; - times in which struggles of liberation have risen peoples of the world against national and international structures of imperialism and have acquired colonial systems; - times of struggles and victories in which nations give among themselves or in their interiors new ideals of justice; - times in which the resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights until the Letter Rights and Economic Debts of the states have expressed a search for a new international political and economic order. - But they are also times of frustration and defeat in which appear new forms of imperialism to oppress and exploit the people. Imperialism, with its brutal and perfidious procedures, with the complicity of governments who have achieved self-destiny continues to dominate a part of the world. Intervening directly or indirectly by means of multinational corporations, using local corrupt politicians, aiding military regimes that base themselves on political repression, the torture and physical extermination of the opposition; by practices called neo-colonialism and imperialism it extends its domination of numerous peoples. Conscious of interpreting the aspirations of our epoch, we have met in Argel to proclaim that all the peoples of the world have the same right to liberty, the right to free itself of all foreign bonds, the right to their own elected government, the right if they are under subjugation to struggle for liberation and the right to count on other peoples for support of their struggle. Persuaded that the respect for human rights implies the respect for the rights of the people, we have adopted the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the People. That all of those, that throughout the world liberate the great struggle with arms in their hands for the liberty of the people, find in the present declaration the assurance that your struggle is legitimate. Section I - Right to Existence Article 1 - All people have the right to exist. Article 2 - All people have the right to respect of their national and cultural identity. Article 3 - All people have the right to conserve in peace the possession of his territory and to return there in case of expulsion. Article 4 - Nobody can be, due to his national or cultural identity, object of massacre, torture, persecution, of deportation or expulsion, or be submitted to conditions of life that can compromise the identity or the integrity of the people to which he belongs. Section II - Right to Political Self-Determination Article 5 - All people have the undeniable and unalienable right to Self-determination. He determines his political status With all freedom from exterior interference. Article 6 - All people have the right to freedom from all direct and indirect colonial or foreign domination and from all racist regimes. Article 7 - All people have the right ta a democratic regime that represents all citizens without distinction of race, sex, beliefs or color and able to assure the respect for human rights and the fundamental liberties for all. Section III - Economic Rights of the People Article 8 - All people have an exclusive right over their riches and natural resources. He has the right to recover them if he has been exploited and to compensation for indemnities unjustly paid. Article 9 - Since scientific and technological practice form part of the common patrimony of humanity, all people have the right to participate in it. Article 10 - All people have the right to have their work justly evaluated, and that all international exchanges are made in equal and equitable conditions. Article 11 - All people have the right to take the economic and social system he chooses and to look for his own way of economic development, with all liberty and without exterior interference. Article 12 - The economic rights previously enunciated should be exercised in a spirit of solidarity among the people of the world and having in mind their respective interests. Section IV - Right to a Culture Article 13 - All people have the right to speak their own language, to preserve and develop their own culture, in that way contributing to the enrichment of the culture of humanity. Article 14 - All people have the right to their artistic, historic and cultural riches. Article 15 - All people have the right to reject a foreign culture imposed upon them. Section V - Right to the Environment and to the Common Resources Article 16 - All people have the right to the conservation, protection and the improvement of his environment. Article 17 - All people have the right to utilize the common patrimony of humanity such as the high seas, bottom of the seas, and space. Article 18 - Upon exercising the preceding rights all people should take into account the necessity of coordinating the needs of their economic development with those of solidarity among all people of the world, Section VI - Minority Rights. Article 19 - When, among a state, a people are a minority, they have a right to respect for their identity, traditions, their language and their cultural patrimony. Article 20 - The members of the minority should live without discrimination of the same rights of other members of the state and to participate within similar conditions in public life. Article 21 - These rights should be exercised respecting the legitimate interests of the community as a whole, and should not serve as a pretext to go against the territorial integrity and political unity of the state, when it acts in conformity with the enunciated principles in the present declaration. Section VII - Guarantees and Sanctions Article 22 - All non-compliance with the dispositions of the present declaration constitutes a transgression of the obligations to the international community. Article 23 - All damage resulting from a transgression upon the present declaration should be integrally repaired by the one at fault. Article 24 - All enrichment in detriment to a people by violation of the dispositions of the present declaration, should give place to restitution of the benefits obtained. The same will apply to excessive benefits obtained by investments of foreign origin. Article 25 - All unequal treaties, agreements, and contracts denying the fundamental rights will have no effect. Article 26 - The exterior finance charges that have become excessive or insupportable for the people can not be demanded. Article 27 - The most serious attacks upon the fundamental rights of the people, overall at his right to existence, constitute international crimes that involve individual penal responsibility for the ones to blame. Article 28 - All people whose fundamental rights are gravely ignored, have the right to make them valid through syndicated or political struggle including as a last resort, the resource of force. Article 29 - The liberation movements should have access to international organizations and their combatants the right to protection under humanitarian rights of war. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To have a current Center For World Indigenous Studies Publication Catalogue sent to you via e-mail, send a request to jburrows@halcyon.com Center For World Indigenous Studies P.O. Box 2574 Olympia, WA U.S.A. 98507-2574 Fax: 206-956-1087 BBS: 206-786-9629