DOCUMENT: UN_WRAP3.TXT U N I T E D N A T I O N S STATEMENT OF THE FREE PAPUA MOVEMENT IN REPLY TO THE STATEMENT BY MR. JUWANA, OFFICIAL OBSERVER TO THE WORKING GROUP ON INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS, AND REPRESENTATIVE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. TO: THE WORKING GROUP ON INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS FOURTH SESSION JULY/AUGUST 1985 GENEVA OF: THE SUB-COMMISSION ON THE PREVENTION OF DISCRIMINATION AND PROTECTION OF MINORITIES OF: THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you Madame Chair, We would like to reply briefly to the Statement submitted yesterday by Mr. Juwana, official observer and representative of the Republic of Indonesia. We feel that our information on the situation in West Papua, which we submitted to the Working Group on Indigenous Populations, was so fiercely denied by the official Indonesian observer that it sounded in fact like a confirmation. For instance, what we stated about the real name of the people, "Papua", has been affirmed. That name is forbidden because it is the real name of the people and inherited by the ancestors. We are proud of the name Papua and for us it is connected with liberation and self-determination. And that's why it is punishable to pronounce the word "Papua". But whatever new names like "Irianese" are imposed on us, we bear the name Papua in our minds and in our hearts. Indonesia is trying to wipe us off the world map by disguising our people and our land by using unfamiliar names. Every Indigenous people knows its own name and has the right to use that. In defending the Transmigration programme, the official Indonesian observer stated that there are several problems left to iron out. Perhaps he meant: the resistance of the Indigenous populations needs to be ironed out by military force. General Benny Murdani, commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Army stated in March this year that the Armed Forces must be involved in the selection of settlement sites, because the removal of "obstacles" to land availability need to be given special attention to ensure effective "territorial management". We, the Indigenous Peoples, are the "obstacles" to land availability. Mr. Juwana, the official observer and representative of the Indonesian Republic, said that allegations of more than 200,000 Papuans deaths during military occupation, bombings, indiscriminate shooting, imprisonment and torture, are completely absurd and untrue. That means that we are liars. And with us other organisations like Tapol, Survival International, the Anti-Slavery Society, Amnesty International, the International Commission of Jurists and many other organisations are liars too, because they all reported the above mentioned human rights violations that now have been categorically denied. What are we to do now? Madame Chair, we provided your Working Group with lots of information concerning these human right violations that now officially have been identified as absurd and untrue. This is a very serious issue and it should be investigated. We therefore ask the Working Group to recommend to the Sub-Commission that a Special Rapporteur be named to investigate the situation in West Papua. Thank you, Madame Chair -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: -= THE FOURTH WORLD DOCUMENTATION PROJECT =- :: :: A service provided by :: :: The Center For World Indigenous Studies :: :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Originating at the Center for World Indigenous Studies, Olympia, Washington USA © 1999 Center for World Indigenous Studies (All Rights Reserved. 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