
Radiation Exposure Risk

Published: October 9, 2015, Author: Rÿser Rudolph C.
Radiation Exposure Risk

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided support for a study that cost $33 million that estimated radiation dose estimates from “Hanford Radioactive Material Releases to the Air and the Columbia River.” The study results found significant adverse exposures to people, plants, land, water and animals was produced on April 21, 1994. The six year study was set aside as unacceptable by the US Department of Energy yet the study stands as the only formal US inquiry into radiation exposures from Hanford. This is why we are undertaking to conduct an independent Radiation Exposure Risk Assessment Action Research study with your help. Give us your support now by logging on to:

Here is what the 1994 Study stated in its study summary about its findings:

“Public concern about past Hanford operations led the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) in 1986 to release thousands of pages of documents. These documents detailed some of Hanford’s operating history and showed that there were past off-site releases of radioactive material.

Washington, Oregon, and regional Native American Tribes gathered an independent panel of experts-called the Hanford Health Effects Review Panel-to evaluate this information- They found that the releases to the air in the 1940s and early 1950s. and releases to the river up until 1971, exposed people in the region to radioactive materials. Many people in the region fear these releases caused a variety of health problems.

In September 1986, the Health Effects Review Panel recommended dose reconstruction and thyroid health effects feasibility studies.

In response, USDOE directed Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory to conduct the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project. The project was to determine how much radioactive material was released, how that material may have reached and exposed people, and most importantly, what radiation dose people may have received.” (Technical Steering Panel 1994, p. 3)

We are conducting a two year Radiation and Toxic Chemical Action Research Risk Assessment to identify sources of radioactivity making native peoples and their neighbors sick. You can help monitor and fund this effort.
Non-Profit and Charity – Olympia, WA

Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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