
Category: Artby - Rudolph Ryser

Viva Catalonia

Viva Catalonia

November 10, 2014

Catalonia is one of my most favorite Fourth World nations. It is has been occupied by the Phonecians, Greeks, Romans, and the emergent kingdom of Spain over the last three…

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Tlingit & Haida & WCIP

Tlingit & Haida & WCIP

November 5, 2014

Vice President Micklin is responsible to his government and the 29,000 members of Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. In intergovernmental forums such as the United Nations and inter-tribal…

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Bush Medicine and Ebola

Bush Medicine and Ebola

October 29, 2014

Bush medicine, traditional medicine, spirit dancing, and countless other healing systems distinguish one people from another–one culture from another. The immense diversity of healing systems reflects the many cultural realities…

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Oh Gosh Canada: Blocking Food?

Oh Gosh Canada: Blocking Food?

October 6, 2014

In this space I called attention to the government of Canada and its objection to the World Council of Indigenous Peoples Outcome Document. That document would commit UN Member states…

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Oh Canada: The Fraudulent State

Oh Canada: The Fraudulent State

September 30, 2014

The Canadian government presents itself to the world as the leading advocate of human rights, promoter of democracy–the country with a heart. Hidden behind this facade is a mean spirited,…

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Indigenous Israelis and Palestinians

Indigenous Israelis and Palestinians

September 27, 2014

Locked in a seemingly endless embrace of self-destruction we find the cousin-nations of Palestine and Israel “driven by memory, trauma, and political identity and existential issues” observed Aaron David Miller…

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UN Adopts WCIP Outcome

UN Adopts WCIP Outcome

September 22, 2014

With the Holy See and Canada opting out of Article 13 and Article 3 (respectively) the UN High Level Plenary Session of the General Assembly today adopted the World Conference…

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Nations' Independence - Taxation

Nations’ Independence – Taxation

September 19, 2014

Commentators and essayists throughout generations have often made the observation that( (I paraphrase here): States’ governments do not give up their power easily and the power they are least willing…

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WCIP Agenda Announced

WCIP Agenda Announced

September 18, 2014

Haudenosaunee Sachems, the Sami President, President of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples, representatives of each of the seven regions of Indigenous Regional Caucuses will stand a opening conference…

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Climate is Right

Climate is Right

September 18, 2014

In the early 1970s the publics in virtually every country in the world began demanding that their governments act to protect and preserve the environment: Land, water, sea, soils, natural…

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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