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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

Chittagong’s Hill Men Struggle to put their Case

September 21, 2017
Categories: News & Politics,

An article showing evidence that the Bangladeshi regime is fully responsible for the prevailing extraordinary state of affairt in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

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Helping the Indigenous People of the Chittagong Hill Tracts-A Letter

September 21, 2017
Categories: News & Politics,

Letter to Rudy Ryser regarding the issue of bringing to the attention of the United Nations the mistreatment and massacres of the indigenous people of the Chittagong Hill Tracts of…

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CHT-The Full Horror

September 21, 2017
Categories: News & Politics,

An artilce from the Survival International regarding the Bangladesh Government-directed genocidal crimes which are filling the Chittagong Hill Tracts with the blood of the indigenous population. Includes graphic accounts of…

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CHT-Now Refugees; Jungle Genocide Continues in CHT

September 21, 2017
Categories: News & Politics,

Two articles submitted by Dr. Ramendu Dewan to Rudy Ryser that discuss the issues and mistreatments that are continuing to get worse in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Both articles talk…

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UN told of ‘virtual genocide’ in Bangladesh

September 21, 2017
Categories: News & Politics,

An article from The Times that gives a brief overview of the current situation occuring in Bangladesh against its tribes and its indigenous people. It talks about the UN’s first…

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Jana Samhati Samiti Credentials for Dr. Ramendu Shekhar Dewan

September 21, 2017
Categories: News & Politics,

Document saying that Dr. Ramendu Shekhar Dewan has been appointed as a spokesperson of the Jana Samhati Samiti, Chittagong Hill Tracts by the Central Committee. Includes guidelines such as ideology,…

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Plight of Chakma Refugees of Bhusan Chara, Choto Harina of Chittagong Hill Tracts, now in Mizoram of India

September 21, 2017
Categories: News & Politics,

This document is an appeal to save the Chakma and other tribes of the Chittagong Hill Tracts from the total annihilation by the Bangladesh Government. Includes a second documet which…

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The Tribal Turmoil: Bangladeshi Buddhist refugees flee to India

September 21, 2017
Categories: News & Politics,

Article found in FEER discussing the Bangladeshi Buddhists attempt to escape the massacres in their homeland by fleeing to India for safety. It talks about the Shanti Bahini and its…

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Inside Asia: Special Focus Aid and Bangladesh

September 21, 2017
Categories: News & Politics,

Inside Asia is a bi-monthly magazine of Asian affairs. Magazine includes topics such as politics and international affairs, society and culture, women in Asia, focus: aid to Bangladesh, Britain and…

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Bangladesh Chittagong Hill Tracts: More Massacres

September 21, 2017
Categories: News & Politics,

Urgent action bulletin discussing the masscre of indigneous people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts by the Bangladesh Army. Bulletin includes sections such as: invasion of tribal lands, tribal resistance, violent…

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