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A Campaign breif from mel Tonasket in regards to Foley’s foreign aid to the Koreans
learn more downloadnewspaper articles and letters refering to Tom Foley and agricultural buisness and in regards to the ‘entrapment’ scandal where congressmen agreed to push legislature in exchange for illicit money.
learn more downloadA periodical started to keep an eye on how Congressman Tom Foley is voting in congress. particulary in relation to Asia and healthcare reforms
learn more downloadNewspaper articles from 1980 on Tom Foley, includeing “Foley to FRB: Drop rates or chance severe recession” “Black Falasha Jews in ethiopia may be facing new holocaust” “Colville Indian Nation…
learn more downloadFrench Nuclear testing alert Urgent: Message of protestand suport needed by Maoris
learn more downloadA Paper written at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. A joint paper by the Sociology, Native American Studies and Political Science departments on the quest for an acceptable model…
learn more downloadA periodical that discusses legislative alerts, and is affiliated with AFL-CIO.articles include topics on oil taxes, inflation and the budget, Tax reform, Reagan’s trickle down economics, And the AFL-CIO voided…
learn more downloadThe House and senate scheduled for February 4, 1980. including information on the energy windfall tax, Current committee action, future and anticipated actions, and live radio wrap up.
learn more downloadA Periodical including articles on James bay, A Cre Testimony, Chief of The Pankarare Indians Shot and Killed in Bahia, the Lapish Case, Salvinia, Mosesta in the Sepik, The Rondonia…
learn more downloadInternational Institure for Economic Research: publication about the rising prices of oil. and the problems caused by the oil industry reaping massive profits
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